I can't get a blogging schedule in place. I just can't do it. I have no idea what is wrong with me but I will start the day with every intention on blogging and then next thing I know, the day is over! What the shit as my mother-in-law would say :)
*you can always keep up with me over on Instagram! Follow me if you're not already -- MrsFitLibrarian
Hangin' out with my girl Lo on my birthday |
The Princess and I enjoying a giggle at our birthday dinner! |
13!?!? Where did the time go!?!? |
Birthdays have been taking place. Not only mine but The Princess as well! It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that I have a teenager now...especially a teenager who is, eerily at times, very similar to me. She is a great kid and thankfully, she is a lot like her father as well (whew!).
My sister with our parents on her birthday |
My sister will be having her second baby in the next couple of months. Action Jaxon is getting bigger every day and he is a ridiculous amount of fun.
I love Reese's Oreos! |
So does Jaxon! |
He loves his Aunt T and Uncle Tommy. It could be the marshmallows and other treats we bribe him with but who cares. We taught him how to "make a muscle" - it's the cutest thing ever - I need to get a picture of him doing it!
I'm trying not to die and Tom needs to turn the moment into a photoshoot :) |
Sometimes I just need to lay down...catch my breath...and snap a photo :)
Baby boulders! |
4 am and the gym is empty. #happymeathead
Training has been going well! I have been focusing on some of my weaker areas (cough cough...legs & glutes...cough cough) and these workouts are BRUTAL!!!! I love that I'm having to push myself in a way I haven't before - it keeps things fun & interesting.
A sample of one of the GAT products Iron Bros Health carries.
This stuff is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! |
The guys always have the best care packages put together for me!
#supplementswag :) |
I'm extremely lucky to have to such a great sponsor in
Iron Bros Health! They always take such great care of me and make sure I have the supplements I need to support my training and keep me healthy. This is especially important since it looks like I will be competing again this year.
Yes. You read that right. Another show.
If all goes well and the body holds up, I will be stepping on stage on October 25th & 26th! The goal is to present a tighter, lean, more polished package than I have the last two times I've stepped on stage this year.
Cross your fingers.
It's definitely going to be an interesting ride!!