A few months ago my friend Susie posted on my Facebook timeline that a particular charity was looking for firefighter wives to pose for a 2015 calendar. Before I could really think things through, I contacted the person who put out the call for models and told him that I would like to be considered if they still needed models. A short time later, he emailed me back and said they would love for me to be a part of the calendar.
WHAT THE...!?!?!
Pose for a calendar?!?! What was I thinking??!?!
I received a message from the photographer and we set up a time to meet & go over the "logistics".
Jason (the photographer) was super cool and we both seemed to have the same idea about the type of shoot we would do. It's funny to answer questions like "How much skin are you comfortable showing?" and "Is this pose sexy or slutty to you?" but Jason wanted to ensure that I would be comfortable with every aspect of the shoot. We made a decision about the date of the shoot and off I went. I would be a liar if I said that I didn't second guess my decision
every day occasionally but I kept telling myself "It's for charity!".
I've never shot for a calendar before so I wasn't really sure what to buy so I went on "shopping sprees" at H & M, Target, and Frederick's.
Posted this on Instagram and asked for opinions |
COVER YOUR EYES!!! I had to apologize to Crissy & buy her eyedrops after sending her pictures like this one! |
My poor sister-in-law. I was constantly blowing up her phone with pictures of me trying on possible outfits (I use that term loosely! lol!). I am so not the "sexy" type so I definitely needed someone else's opinion about what a model would wear!
I also sent my purchases with Jason and he replied back with "You must love to shop!" to which I replied
"....umm...mmmayyyybbbeee....don't judge me!" He told me which outfit he liked the best but also told me to bring a couple of my favorites as well.
The day before the shoot, I was ridiculously nervous. What if I looked like a hot mess? What if all of my pictures looked like a pile of poo? What if? What if? What if? But I knew there was really nothing I could do at this point except park myself in the bed, rest, and get ready to get nekked in public!
We (Tom, my sister-in-law Crissy, and I) headed over to Jason's tattoo shop early Saturday morning so I could meet his wife Lexy, who would be doing my makeup. Jason also wanted to see my outfits in person and make any last changes to wardrobe, locations, etc.
Lexy was super friendly and cool and she made it easy for me to relax & let her do her thing (or was that the moonshine??). Before I knew it she was done and it was time to head downtown and start shooting.
Time to get naked! *love Tom's face...lol...*
Not going to lie - my butt looks pretty awesome in this shot! Yay squats & deadlifts! |
Getting posing directions - I needed ALL the help I could get! |
This may not make it into the calendar but it's definitely one of my favorites! |
I'm not going to go into every small detail about what happened during the shoot but there are a few things I would like to share:
- You still get hot & a little sweaty even when you're wearing a lace bra and thong
- Bicycle riders may have difficulty focusing on the road and may come close to crashing their bikes if they see a half-naked women laying on some rocks
- When the photographer tells you that you're shooting in a "low traffic area", double check that there isn't a Blues Festival taking place adjacent to said low traffic area
- Jan Tana Hi-Def Glaze isn't only for figure competitions
- Showin' your ass in public is always more fun when you have your crazy sister-in-law and husband with you
- Photo shoots can be summed up using two phrases and they are "I woke up like this!" and "Get naked! Remember, it's for charity!"
After the photo shoot, the three us of grabbed something to eat and then headed to my in-laws house. Of course, we toasted to the shoot - waking up like this - my upcoming competition - the sun shining - and anything else you can think of. It's how we do!
Once I have been given the word that the calendars are for sale, I will definitely share that information you guys. Please save your allowance so you can buy one - it's for a great cause!
Thank you to Justin for feeling like I was worthy, not only of being in the calendar but part of this incredible project. Thank you to Jason for dealing with all of my ridiculousness, making me feel like I could actually take a great picture, and just being an awesome guy. Thank you to Susie for thinking of me when you saw the call for models (even if I still think you're crazy...lol!). A H-U-G-E thank you to Crissy for dealing with my texts, helping me keep my sanity, and supporting me like you always do. Thank you to my family for not judging me for being naked...AGAIN :)
And last but not least, much love & thanks to my mister for last minute snack shopping, slapping on my glaze, helping me put on the turnouts, and making me feel like I was going to be the hottest wife in the calendar!
And I'll leave you with a photo that is more my style....more the every day Tenecia if you will....just a nerdy, goofy, muscley librarian ;)