Picking up where we left off.... :)
Tom and I sat at Red Robin, dissecting the pictures he had taken and analyzing what had taken place when my class took the stage. Now let me tell you that I absolutely hate to go out in public after prejudging. I hate it because I'm stinky, sticky, black as tar (thank you, Pro Tan) but my hatred went away after receiving a text from The Boss saying I could have a burger (no bun!) and a Diet Coke #thankyousweetbabyjesus
We decided to stop picking things apart, enjoy our food, and head back to the hotel because Saturday was going to be a busy busy day! I was scheduled to shoot with the most AMAZING photographer - Ana from
Urban Chick Foto!
Ana and I met on
siouxcountry back in 2010 and I shot with her for the first time later that year (you can see those photos
here). Now, by no means do I claim to be a model. In fact, I'm the complete opposite of one but Ana has a way of making you feel like a million bucks when she's pointing her camera at you.
We decided that we would do the shoot at the show's venue and it proved to be the perfect place! It's so much fun to watch Ana at work. The three of us would be walking and chatting when she would stop and say "This spot is perfect" and the posing would begin!
Tom hates to have his picture taken but I was able to convince him to strike a pose with me for a couple of pictures. I told him we needed concrete proof that we know how to dress like grown-ups and that we do, in fact, own clothes other than gym clothes! *if you would like to see the rest of the pictures from the shoot, please visit
Ana's blog!
Once the photo shoot was over, Tom and I headed back to the hotel to eat and rest. The "resting" only lasted about 45 minutes as we were bored with the food we brought with us and the hotel room!
I still dream about this salad!!
We went for a stroll and took that time as an opportunity to check in with The Princess who was staying with her grandparents.
The Urban Picnic was calling our name and we gave each other a high-five for deciding to take a chance on the restaurant. I highly recommend it if you're ever in Mesa! Once we filled our bellies, it was time to head back to the hotel and put my feet until the athlete's meeting.
I have always said that shows are a bunch of hurry up & wait and this show was no different. Each competitor is introduced individually and those competing in divisions that require a routine (fitness, physique, and bodybuilding) each perform a 60 second routine.
To pass the time backstage, I chatted with some of the other competitors (everyone is a bit more relaxed and friendly at finals versus prejuding), listened to my music, and just tried to be still. At the show's intermission, the names of those who placed in the top 5 of their class were posted downstairs (the dressing rooms for the female athletes were upstairs). I
hid in a bathroom stall freshened up my makeup and finally got the guts to walk downstairs to see what the verdict was. As I was heading to the posting, a girl from my class walked past me, smiled, and congratulated me on making top 5! I had just enough time to run back up the stairs, send a text to Tom & The Boss saying "Top 5, baby", and touch up my glaze before the show's expediter was asking Figure Class D to line up.
As we stood backstage, I looked at the other girls of the top 5 and knew I had accomplished what I had set out to do. Fifth place was announced and it wasn't my number that was called. I breathed a small sigh of relief and kept smiling. Fourth place was announced and the show's MC asked number 77 to step forward. Yes....number #77...me. "Damn it!", I thought, "One spot away!"
Tom and I met in the lobby and I could tell by looking at him that he was disappointed with how things turned out. I dropped my face and tried really hard not to cry. I was so upset that once again, I had let him and The Boss down.
Thank you, Thirsty Lion! |
We decided not to stay for the rest of the show and hit up a restaurant that the woman sitting next to him at the show had recommended. The Thirsty Lion was just what we needed. It had tvs...music...beer...fried food...and more beer!
I wasn't as sad and pouty on Sunday as I thought I would be. It could be due to the mini-exploration trip we took, or the pancakes, or the hashbrowns, or the biscuits and gravy - it's hard to say :)
Mural we found while exploring! |
I will admit that it does sting a little bit to have placed fourth at a show I was certain I was going to place higher at. Then I remember what it felt like to place dead last at the shows I competed in two years ago and suddenly, fourth place really isn't that bad.