Friday, July 12, 2013

This Might Be A Good Time...

Hey all! I thought this might be a good time to share with you (if you don't follow me on Instagram or Facebook and already know this tidbit of information) that I am currently SEVEN days out from my next show!! I know....crazy, right?!?

photo credit

After Junior Nationals, I realized how much I really wanted to step on the national stage again. I was already formulating a plan of action for 2014 when I realized, there was something I had to do first. I had to get re-qualified! I am nationally qualified, and only for certain national shows based on my placings from last year, until the end of this calendar year. So, another local show has to be done! Based on the feedback I received from Junior Nationals, the changes I need to make will require time and me not "dieting" as strictly. We looked at different shows, the dates, locations, schedules, blah, blah, blah and decided it would probably be best for me to continue prepping and hit up the AZ Open show on July 19-20.

2012 AZ Open, 5th place
The 2010 AZ Open was my first show and if you recall, I did not do so well (ok...if you want to get technical...I placed dead last!). However, I redeemed myself last year at the same show by placing 5th in my class. The goal for this year's show is to place in the top 3 of my class. By doing so, I will again receive my national qualification which will be good until the end of 2014. Placing third or better will also give me a larger selection of national shows to choose from next year.

4th of July workout - not sure why I look so angry! :)

The last two pictures are from this morning. Sorry for the crappy bathroom shots but I did want to share a couple of "progress" pictures. I'm happy with the way things are coming along and am hopeful, that if I stay the course, I will do well next weekend.

Seven days.... #letsdothedamnthang


  1. Damn you look good!
    Can't wait to see how you do!!!
    ~love living vicariously through you ;)~

  2. Ah, that's so exciting! Good luck--you're gonna rock it!

  3. Alright!!! You don't look mad in that pic, you look like a bad ass!! I'm so excited for you! People think we're crazy, but I LOVE competing! I wish I was doing another one this year:( Good luck!!

  4. You look fantastic T! I think you're going to be in the top 3! How can you not be?! You look amazing!
