Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cuz I'm Happy...

Cue the Pharrell Williams song!

*actually please don't because that song grates on my nerves now - thanks local radio stations for overplaying it!

photo credit

Did y'all know that last Friday was International Day of Happiness? There was a Do Happy Today event on the plaza that is front of the library that I work at. The coordinator of the event asked for volunteers to help "sprinkle happiness" before and during the event. What is "sprinkling happiness"? It was as simple as this!

I have to be honest when I say there have been times in my life recently where I may not have been consciously taking the time to be happy, be present in the moment, be calm, etc. I have been on auto-pilot and that is not good!

photo credit 
When I volunteered to do the sprinkling, I began looking at the Day of Happiness website and realized  I was doing some of the things mentioned in the picture above....I just need to do them more often! What about you? Which of the "Ten Keys to Happier Living" do you need to practice more often?

I am going to diligently work on having more moments like these.

Here's to being carefree - present - grateful - happy!


  1. I so love this post!
    You've inspired me to spread some happiness, and take some time to recognize mine.
    p.s. Love the boob grab pic, lol

  2. I love the yellow on you. You are always sunshine.

  3. Thanks for the reminder that sometimes we need to consciously think about being happy. It's so easy to get in a negative mindset, but thanks for the reminder to look at things in a different light. Who wants to be UNhappy? Not this girl! Have a great weekend!!

  4. Thanks for the reminder that sometimes we need to consciously think about being happy. It's so easy to get in a negative mindset, but thanks for the reminder to look at things in a different light. Who wants to be UNhappy? Not this girl! Have a great weekend!!

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