I'm still not sure that I'm ready and I know I still have areas to improve but I still keep thinking that maybe I should stop waiting and give it a shot. Nationals last year had over 1000 competitors and I'm sure there will be more than that this year. I would need to be amazing, to say the least, in order to stand out. I guess we'll have to see what happens. Decisions...decisions...decisions!

Time to focus on the show at hand! The 2012 NPC Terminator! Last Saturday marked 9 weeks out from the show and I feel like I'm slowly making progress. As I stated in my last progress update, I am the Tortoise. Slow & steady will win this race!
Diet - My diet has remained relatively consistent. I am doing keto and truth be told, there is nothing too exciting to share about it. The one meal of the day that makes me do my happy wiggle is meal #5. Meal #5 consists of salmon, brussel sprouts, and ghee. It's not a sonoran hot dog from El Guero Canelo but it does fill my tummy and stops me from repeatedly saying "I'm hangry!" (yes, hangry is a word! lol)
Cardio - There has been an increase in the amount of cardio I am doing. It's not a crazy amount but I cringe each time there's an increase. I wish I was one of those competitors that doesn't have to do one minute of cardio during their prep but alas, I am not :)
Sleep - I've been soooooo tired and I have been struggling to get out of the bed in the mornings. It's natural to be sleepy during prep but my near exhaustion this past week had a lot to do with TOM I think. I have been lucky that there have been very few of those days where I'm extremely tired but the second I crawl into bed, I can't fall asleep.
Training - Well, I knew it was coming but I didn't know exactly when. What am I talking about? I'm talking about The Boss saying that I would need to stop lifting as heavy & often as I have been. The look of figure has really changed recently and I have to be careful that I'm not putting on more muscle. I don't want to move up to the Physique division right now so I have to do what's necessary to make sure I'm fitting in the current figure "box".
Scale & Mirror - I'm not paying attention to the number on the scale because...well....it's just better for me psychologically if I don't! :) I only weigh in on the day that I check in with The Boss and that's what works for me. I'm also avoiding the mirror because it's that time of the month where I'm holding water like a camel, there's a pimple on my chin, and I swear I have a Buddha belly - thanks a lot, Mother Nature! :)
Countdown - 9 weeks until the Terminator and 10 weeks until the AZ Open! It always feels a bit more real when the number of weeks shifts from double digits to single digits.
One week closer - let's do the damn thang!
I'll admit I know very little about the figure competitor world, but I will say GIRLLLL YOU LOOK AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteAlso I say HANGRY when I'm super duper hungry too. haha it is TOTALLY a word ;)
ReplyDeletestop waiting around and take a shot at nationals!!!!!!!
you will never know until you try!
the (awesome) Boss knows whats up and im sure the both of you will work hard to get you more than ready for the national level!
at 9 weeks out you are looking amazing!
keep at it chica!
all of this work will be rewarded!!!!
Looking great! Go get that pro card!
ReplyDeleteKeep shredding!
You got this! I think you look amazing, like always!
ReplyDeleteYes. do it. Go for it. What's holding you back? Just like having kids, there will never be the "perfect time." Set your goals high and just go for it, you only live once! =)
ReplyDeleteWowza, you look amazing already, can't wait to see what you bring to the stage in 9 weeks!!!!