Monday, July 9, 2012

Let Us Break It Down For You!

This video doesn't really need an introduction...
it's The Boss #2 and I...
on our couch....talking about peak week...laughing at each other...
listening to our neighbors attempt to be mariachis...
cuz that's how we're welcome :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I think he's pretty adorable too ;)

  2. Love this! You two are so cute together! Only a few more days left of "Hell Week"! ;) So excited for you!

    1. Thanks, Kari! I got the idea of the two of us doing the vlog from the great ones you & Jerry put together!

  3. awwwwww,yall are so cute together!!!!

    and,hang in there tight for a double peak week!!!
    it wont be as bad as you think,especially if the first show goes well and you dont have to change things much....
    and doing a double peak week is,in my opinion,much easier than doing 2 shows 2 or 3 weeks apart. theres not as much time in between shows so you dont have much time to think about getting off course too much,lol!!!

    anyways,LOVING the videos you post-one of these days i may follow suit and do a weekly report during my next prep (yes its going to be soon,cause im a dork like that)

    will be cheering you along the virtual sidelines over the next couple of weeks!
    excited for you!!!


    1. Thank you!!! I'm going to channel your positive energy for these back-to-back shows!! And you should totally do some videos - I would def watch them!!!

  4. Thank you for sharing this. Loved getting to know you a bit better. Good luck. You've got this!!

    1. Heidi!! Thanks for stopping by!! I'm glad you enjoyed the video!!

  5. Yay Peak Week!!! You two are too stinking adorable together! I really envy your genes woman! Who doesn't want to build muscle while staying lean? Damn! Good luck this week girl! Can't wait to hear how it went :)

    1. What the heck are you talking about?!?! I need your damn genes :) We're such you can recall from the photo!

  6. you guys are awesome!

  7. Awesome video. You are so blessed to have such an awesome support system. I am not preparing for competitions but during my weight loss journey I haven't had that support. I know how important it is to have it and really think it's awesome that you do. :) You look great and I am sure you will doing amazing.

    1. I say it all of the time and I definitely mean it - I'm so lucky to have a partner who "gets it" and supports me! There's no way I could do it without him & I know that!

  8. and you thought my hand holding picture was cute! doesn't even come close to this!!

    and i am so hating on you. i love me some pitbull!

  9. Love this vid, yall are too cute! I need to show this to my hubby, its my first competiton and his first experience too but he is doing his best! Po little tink tink! Good luck girlie!
